Alexander Dzuba
in 1977 has finished the school of aplied arts on Ural (the branch of artistic processing the metal). With 1981ã. together with wife participates in exhibitions with work in genre of jewelry decorations. Their work there are in State muse of arts of folk of Orient (Moscow), in All-union artistic-industrial association (MOSCOW), in muse of history of Folk Uzbekistan (Tashkent), in muse of Aplied arts Uzbekistan (Tashkent), in funds of Management of artistic exhibitions (Tashkent).The Participation in exhibitions:
1981 All-union exhibitions "Youth of country", Moscow
1982 Exhibitions within the framework of program "Days of culture Uzbekistan in Austria", Volkendorf
1983 Republican exhibitions, dedicated to 2000 years Tashkent, Tashkent
1983 Exhibitions within the framework of program "Days of culture Uzbekistan in Germanies", Ganover
1988 The Republican exhibition "Vernisag-88", Tashkent Since
1990 constantly take part in Exhibitions in cities Moscow and Saint-Piterburg.
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