History of financing the real sector of Russia economy:
the ups and downs (historical perspective).
To understand better today's problems it might be helpful to have a look at the past, the history. As it is well known,
nothing is new, that's why such method can help us in finding better solution.
We've made a trend to see tendencies more clearly.
From it a conclusion can be made: real sector didn't have a long period of time of prosperity.
So the problems of real sector are not new.
Let's have a look at this illustration again. In what part of trend are we now?
In that part that is sign as global financial crisis.
Everybody tries to find reasons of global financial crisis. (no doubt there are a lot of reasons,
but now we should concentrate on those that are connected with investments and financing projects).
But really who should be blamed? The answer is closely related with quarrels between applicants or financiers.
So who is guilty and who is right?
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