I6Bureau: what is it and what is its function?
We all know that Russia is famous for its scientific and technical potential. There are a lot of interesting and great
projects here but at the same time a lot of problems in realizing them.
We seek to solve this problem by creating a new organization that will make the process of realizing projects better-
it must be clear, fair, efficient and available for everyone who has an idea to realize or to sell . If we provide more
possibilities for people in realizing their ideas, make them believe that it is not too complicated to achieve them, and
demonstrates that it really works- it will be a new step for Russia in showing its potential not in theory but in practice.
Is this really a problem today?
Yes, it is. A lot of talk has been made about creating a new system or new financial architecture.
And here we show one such way. It is both institutional and innovative We will try to answer the question of why we have
chosen these particular avenues.
We chose the institutional approach in consideration of our present-day circumstances: we are
living in a new era, and with it, particular knowledge and know-how have arrived, yet old institutions have stopped working.
Moreover, the financial crises shows that pre-existing institutions couldn't help in such a situation, and could not stabilize
the economy. This is a problem not only for Russia, but for all countries around the world.
Innovation is crucial, because, as we noted earlier, the old mechanisms do not work. We must create new ones-
we have no choice.
In presidential speeches we also can hear that we need to make changes and they must have institutional,
innovational character.
What kind of organizations do you propose?
We propose the creation of several organizations with the main- interbank investment organization.
To touch briefly on a few of them:
- International interbank investment organization:
This is the main organization.It serves as the forum for any individual to to present his or her project.
The important idea is that irrespective of what you want to present - a finished business plan or simply an idea, -
all materials are of value at any given point in the life cycle since these serve as intangible assets.
There are a lot of problems are formatting projects. Why? The main reason is due to a lack of standardization.
A hypothetical though far from implausible scenario is as follows: imagine you're an entrepreneur and you've created one
version of your project, which is subsequently rejected by the initial investor. In your visit with a second investor,
your proposal is also rejected, only this time, on the grounds of incompatible or lack of standard formatting. Consequently,
you decide to revamp your project, which is not only time-consuming, but potentially an endless process. What we offer to
do is this: first, we seek to construct a standard for individuals who would be interested in participating in this organization
as an investor. Second, one of our subdivisions will be dedicated exclusively to the optimization of your project, something that
many entrepreneurs and investors neglect altogether, which unfortunately leads to many great ideas remaining undiscovered.
- Electronic library:
An online database consisting of interesting and ambitious projects throughout Russia,
and possibly internationally as well. This will present the potential investor with various possibilities of the avenue to pursue next:
1) To find credit resources or people to unite your efforts in realizing your idea.
We offer "Goods- clearing" house for solving this problem.
Here, there is an opportunity to receive credit. But the main idea is that the credit will comprise of goods,
as opposed to money. This will save a substantial portion of the costs, particularly given the current economic climate,
where receiving credit via currency is impossible.
2) Want to sel...:your idea?
We offer "An auction" of ideas.
A TV- show format An engaging television show that will captivate the audience.
3) Want to sell...your project?
We offer "Project exchange".
There would be a special term for buying projects: the first negotiation will of potential investors will be between
the entrepreneur and the founders, then- other members of the organization. Passing both stages will enable the project to
be sold and purchased in the market.
4) ...Something else?
The best resource in this scenario would be to consult with the International interbank investment organization.
- "Investor's club":
This comprises of a forum for the investors and founders to discuss in the realization of their
project or in acquiring other projects. We will provide services for them such as finding projects that are of interest
to them, as well as formatting them accordingly while providing supporting expertise.
The aforementioned is only a portion of this organization's proposed initiatives. Other projects entail the construction of a
credit office, and advertising department, and other endeavors. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like us to
provide further details.
I am interested in this idea. What should I do next?
If you are interested in our proposal, we cordially extend our invitation for you to join us. We aspire to have
government support, but the initial step entails creating a base of support with other individuals who would endorse in this
proposed structure. We extend our offer to you to join us as a consultant, founder, investor, or in any other capacity.
We are currently in the process of including sketches and a video presentation of the aforementioned structures.
Please contact us at your convenience if you would like an exclusive preview of our visual presentation.
Thank you kindly for your consideration and we hope to have the opportunity of working together with you!
Yours Truly,
Pavlova Ekaterina